Monday, March 7, 2011

Night and Day

I stand with my feet pointing down a path of utter self destruction
Tendrils of insanity wrap around my ankles and I allow them to pull me along
This downhill slide is preferable to the mad scrample up the slippery slopes of hope and reason
Wreckless abandon consumes me allowing me to follow this crusade of sacrifice
Self preservation melted away with my self respect and self worth
Crushed beneath the weight of unbearable loss, I tumble down into the dark on my knees
The amount of abuse any particular man can take might be higher but I have reached my limit
Daggers of heart break are as cold steel on my neck as I prepare to leap from the ledge
A last look into the hollow eyes of my sorry reflection show one last insult
There is nothing left for me to destroy, she already annihilated all I was, all I could be

I stand with my feet firmly planted on top the mountain of exctasy
Eternal hope the prime factor that drove me here now also anchors me here
The sweat on my brow a sweet reminder of the journey that brought me here
Gusts of pride and joy propelled me onwards and upwards
Self concerns are shunned, the reward of accomplishment the truest satisfaction
Though weary I am supported by the knowledge of goals accomplished and dreams realized
Many men had tried before and failed to reach this summit I now alone occupied
The embracing arms of love wrap me tight as I gaze at the beauty before me
Contentment and peace are clear to see in my eyes, which is second to only one thing
That those same sentiments are shining in her eyes, all that matters resides there too

p.s. This isn't inspired by any particular person, either day or night. Rather it was just a creative exercise, nothing more. I'm not suicidal, nor am I in love lol. I just thought it was a cool idea to represent both sentiments of loss and happiness in dueling compositions. Let me know what you think :-)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Musings of a Wild Man: Natures Call

  What is it about nature that calls out to me?  When all else fails me, why do I seek out refuge and solace in the wild places of quiet solitude?  The answer can't be in Natures solitude alone; if that were the answer there are plenty of places I can be alone without stepping foot into the wilderness, indeed leaving my house isn't warranted to be seperated from human contact.  As a self affirmed introvert I can be in the middle of a crowded room and feel as if I'm on a deserted island, so escaping from actual fellow physical human people isn't even necessary.

  What then mystical power do the trees and rocks have to heal and calm my soul?  The answer lies in the refuge itself: Nature brings me back to my natural state.  As a human race we were born into nature, no matter what religion or belief you hold it is common ground amongst us all that we weren't created into a world of sky-scrapers, air conditioned houses and fast food.  No, every race from the beginning of time has found its origin in lowly means of being created, growing and thriving from the wild.  This, nature, is our starting point, and no matter our historical removal from it, is where our hearts long to return.  For some, maybe even you, this call is muted, hidden behind the buzz of commercial, societal, and modern chaos.  Others, like myself, can hear this summons, hidden even as it is underneath the loud shouts of the world as we know it, can feel it pulling at our souls and hearts.

  For the former to ever find themselves immersed in nature will have a feeling of oddness, a peculiar sensation they won't be able to explain except for perhaps a general uneasyness.  The silence will feel opressive, the whisper of wind through pine boughs will send shivers down their spine as fingers down a chalk board is likely to produce.  They will imagine the dirt beneath their nails as some terrible disease, scrubbing to clean it away lest it spread, a chance encounter with any passing furbearing creature larger than a squirrel will leave them trembling at the certain doom imagined to be looming around the next tree.  Nature will scare them. Not actively, contrary to belief, for Nature doesn't take purposeful action, instead passively showing them how far they have fallen from their original state. It is here, surrounded by nothing in the wilderness, that these people will realize what they are missing; the joy of simply exsisting. And rather than admitting to this void in their lives, they will rush back to the familiar embrace of society and status, the complex lies they have created to affirm what Nature used to, finding a false peace in the worlds whisper of "You exsist".

  For those like myself we are not immune to the worlds subtle temptations of easy living and frivilous concerns, but inside, engrained upon our hearts and coursing through our veins with each beat is Natures alluring call of "You belong to belong to belong to Me".  When we are finally reunited into the wilderness and forests its as if we never left, the ecosystem around us more home than any man made structure.  Sunlight dappling through the trees clearer and crisper than any tv can replicate, the smooth bark of an aspen tree beneath the fingers softer than a lovers touch.  It is in this state that one can truely understand the meaning of life in Nature, that to exsist is all that matters. Societal standing, money, fame, love even; all are stripped bare here to the basest desire, that to inhale and exhale are all that are necessary for contentment.  And this is the answer to why the call of the Wild is impossible for me to not heed.  For here, enveloped in the quiet of Nature my heart can find serenity.